Metal Meets 2023 “Green Transformation”

Back in 2022 we already analyzed the decarbonization of metals industry value chains under the label “Green Future“. This year we took a closer look on how the industry proceeds on the transformation path, which experiences have been made and which challenges are next on the agenda.

For this year’s event Bronk & Company once again invited high-profile speakers from steel industry. We also glimpsed beyond the steel and metal area and drew inspiration from lectures of other industries and the scientific community. A major topic of all lectures and the subsequent discussions was the current and future role of Supply Chain Management in the Green Transformation.

Marc Hartmann, Senior Partner at B&C, kicked off the event with some selected insights into the state of Green Transformation in the German and European industrial sector. Michael Janßen, Senior Manager at B&C, demonstrated why Supply Chain Management (SCM) is essential for the Green Transformation and which adaptions of SCM’s profile are necessary to tackle future developments.

Carsten Rokitt, Head of New SCM at thyssenkrupp Steel Europe, and Jonathan Weber, COO of SHS – Stahl-Holding Saar, discussed their companies’ transformation paths as well as the respective contribution of SCM for the successful modification of value chains. Jens Loock, Director HR at Salzgitter Flachstahl, complemented the review of the transformation path with the highly important dimension of human resources & people.

The circular economy was introduced as a major contributor to the reduction of CO2 emissions by Felix Jahn, Head of CSR at bicycle tire manufacturer Schwalbe. Professor Inga Pollmeier from the University of Applied Sciences HRW contributed to the discussion on the role of SCM with her scientific input on circular economy as a new design factor for value chains.

Last but not least Christian Germeroth, partner at B&C, highlighted some key drivers for the Green Transformation and the role of SCM in an online panel with the participants of Metal Meets (selected results in figure 1 and 2).

B&C is pleased to have had the opportunity to host a great event with key players of the metals industry in the inspiring atmosphere of KölnSky. Far reaching views, delicious food and the one-on-one exchange with our guests make all our participants and everybody at Bronk & Company look forward to our next event in 2024.

Attendees-Statements Metal Meets “Green Transformation”

„It was my first time at Metal Meets and I am absolutely excited: fantastic lectures and a very enriching discussion. Thanks a lot to B&C for this great day.“

Dr. Jens Reichel, Strategy Projects CTO
thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG

„I am very happy that we had the opportunity to discuss the challenges of future HR work on the path to Green Transformation and CO2 neutrality, next to the more dominant technical perspective. Thanks a lot to B&C for this great event!“

Jens Loock, Head of Human Resources
Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH

„As usual B&C brought together highly interesting topics and knowledgeable speakers, this time focusing on “Green Transformation” – a great platform for an intense professional exchange. Thanks a lot for this enriching day.“

Rainer Verhoeven, Chief Financial Officer
Aurubis AG

„An exciting exchange about Supply Chain Management in the Green Transformation of the steel industry: different perspectives highlighted and scrutinized the complexity of the matter through high-quality lectures.“

Jonathan Weber, Managing Director
SHS – Stahl-Holding-Saar GmbH & Co. KGaA

„Green Transformation challenges all of us. Fantastic lectures and a very enriching and interesting discussion, also going above and beyond the steel industry. Thanks to B&C for this exciting day.“

Dr. Guido Stebner, Chief Technical Officer
Vetropack Holding AG

„Metal Meets was a very successful event with intense insights and open discussions about current and future challenges of one of our most important customer groups.“

Michael Appelhans, Spokesman of the Management Board / CEO
Rhenus Ports GmbH & Co. KG

Retrospective from last years event: 
Metal Meets 2022 – Green Future

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